Strategy at a start-up is typically a conversation about product market fit.
We had to identify where we were in relation to PMF, and how we were going to get there.
Where are we?
Product-market fit is a tricky thing to describe to anyone who's not familiar with the term - but in essence its the part of building a product when you realise you've built something that people really want.
It's famously hard to measure, they say you can always feel when it's not happening.
Andrew Chen, ex-head of growth at Uber, says about product market fit:
"these days, most starts ups fail because of lack of PMF, not technology risk. So if there's one thing that will kill you, it'll be the product never quite working, and thus, all the subsequent problems that come with that: lack of investor interest, employees leaving, cofounder fighting, etc.
It's a stressful time when it's not working.I find that product/market fit is usually reached either right away or you have to be incredibly thoughtful about your iterations if you're almost there but not quite.
This quote certainly struck a chord with the team. We knew we had an idea people wanted but we hadn't built what they wanted yet.
Thankfully, Rahul Vohra at Superhuman had
shared a guide he'd created to measure progress towards PMF and how that helped his team to focus.
In short, his PMF engine asks 4 questions.
1. How would you feel if you could no longer use Find a Player?
2. What kind of person do you think would benefit from Find a Player?
3. What is the main benefit you receive from Find a Player?
4. How can we improve Find a Player for you?
The aim of the first question is to reach 40 plus percent of respondents saying they would be very disappointed if they could no longer use the app.
The aim of the second question is to identify the users who say "people like me".
The third question teases out the strengths of your existing product.
The fourth question highlights what you need to improve the product.
He then recommends spending 50% of your time continuing to improve your strong points that user's highlight in question three. And then spend the other half of your time working on the areas that are highlighted in question four.
I ran the PMF survey on existing users and it gave us some clear feedback.
We had less than the 40% "very disappointed" respondents needed to hit PMF.
Some users liked us but very few loved us.
The main benefit were people using the app to organise their regular games.
The app had performance issues in key areas like in-app messaging and the presence of inactive games and players.
This process gave us a quant metric of how close we were to PMF.
It also gave us a clear hypothesis for how we could get there.
In short, we needed to continue to improve the whole experience for game organisers; not necessarily just for finding players and finding games.
In addition, we should remove any inactive users or games, and work hard to maintain an active user base.
For the next 12 months we had to evaluate any new ideas for product improvements against this hypothesis.
The Product Development Cycle

It's not too harsh to say, our product development cycle looked something like this.
"Planning Poker", how we prioritised:
1. Outline of new feature or other idea.
2. Job value (estimate between 1-5)
3. Job size (estimate between 1-5 - for how much engineering time it would take)
4. Each member of the team shares their value and size estimates.
5. Discussion ensues, to iron out discrepancies.
6. Team revisit their value and size estimates.
7. Revised estimates put in a Google sheet.
8. An average score for each idea is created.
9. The ideas with the highest average job value and the lowest job size were prioritised.
This was a relatively useful process - however, what would inevitably emerge was tens of ideas what would sit in the backlog for weeks or months, which would either become stale or would need re-prioritising again at a later date.
Instead of wasting lots of time discussing these old ideas again and again, what I felt we needed was a more formal process to shape the ideas before they were pitched, discussed and estimated.
Ideally new ideas would arrive better shaped, formed and tested - so we could make more accurate predictions as to their likely value.
The revised product creation cycle
I looked around to find some examples of how other companies were solving this problem. One insightful document came from Hiten Shah who had studied various product teams' working habits at companies like Amazon. This
Product Habits document informed my approach.

The new cycle put an emphasis on defining user problems and testing prototypes
The loop starts with
Research. Research typically involves listening to users; existing or potential. When listening to users we would ensure we used principles of the
Mom Test, so that we weren't asking leading questions or taking compliments as reliable feedback.
Problem Definition.
99.9% of the time, ideas that were presented, built or designed without a clear problem statement would create more and more work, eventually demoralising the team.
Working to write down a clear problem statement using a technique like Jobs-to-be-done "People don't want to buy a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole!" or the Kaizan 5 Why's were very useful in reframing problems and identifying root causes.
Once you have defined a problem, it's a lot easier to come up with lots of different ideas that might solve it. This contrasts with when you already have an idea, and you love the idea and can't seem let go of the idea. Having an attachment to one idea stops other, sometimes better, ideas rising to the surface.
This is the exercise of bringing to life the the best ideas from your brainstorm. Taking them from a raw form into something more tangible.
If it's a new illustration style, mock up the first attempt at it.
If it's a new feature idea, write it up as if you're writing the feature announcement email.
Show the idea to other people. Ideally users.
Any form of prototype is good and it's better if its rough.
For example, if you've already written the feature launch e-mail, send it to 50 users, see how many reply showing an interest.
If your idea is that the app needs speeding up, first try slowing it down to see if users complain.
If you think users want a specific setting in the app, put a placebo button in and see if users click on it.
Do what you need to do to make sure you're not misleading users. But also do what you need to work out if your idea is worth building, shipping or scaling.
Learn and share.
Write up your findings from your prototype test. Even if they were negative. Especially if they were negative.
Write these notes down so other people can review and learn from them - this will help them give you some ideas to go back and test again.
Once you've shared the idea with the team. Work out what the minimum-viable version of this feature you could launch and set a deadline for when it will be launched.
Once it's out, go through the cycle again.